Jury and Committees
1. Reviewer for national science agencies
Reviewer for the Chilean National Research and Development Agency (FONDECYT-CHILE), since 2023
Reviewer for the Research Foundation Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen, FWO), since 2015
Reviewer for the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso – FAPEMAT (Mato Grosso State funding agency, Brazil), since 2014.
Reviewer for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), since 2013.
2. Jury for academic degrees
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis of Patrick Ferreira Patrocinio (“Robust discriminant analysis under conditional heterocedasticity and additive outliers: An M-quantile approach”), double degree at Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil, and l’Université Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, France (November 2023).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis of Maurício Franca Lila (“Essays on Hierarchical Time Series Forecasting”), PUC - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (April 2023).
Member of the jury (main reviewer) of the PhD thesis of Alberto Silva (“Multivariate Contributions in the Decomposition of a Time Series”), University of Aveiro, Portugal (January 2023).
Member of the jury (main reviewer) of the PhD thesis of Ian Meneghel Danilevicz (“Robust linear mixed models, alternative methods to quantile regression for panel data, and adaptive LASSO quantile regression with fixed effects”), double degree at Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and l’Université Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec, France (December 2022).
President of the jury of the final BSc project (TCC II) of Marcelo Barbosa Fonsêca (“Modelagem robusta e métodos de aprendizado estatístico em genética de plantas”), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (December 2022, with Tiago Olivoto and Nivea Bispo da Silva).
President of the jury of the final BSc project (TCC II) of Kim Leone Souza da Silva (“Aplicação de técnicas de Machine Learning para classificação de Fake News”), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (December 2022, with Heliana Ribeiro de Mello and Paulo Henrique Ferreira da Silva).
President of the jury of the final BSc project (TCC I) of João Vítor Rocha da Silva (“Análise de séries temporais: Aplicação a dados esportivos”), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (December 2022, with Vitor Ciampolini and Paulo Henrique Ferreira da Silva).
Member of the jury for the Specialization in Data Science and Big Data thesis of Taian Feitosa (“Uso de aprendizado de máruina para avaliar a influência das comorbidades no risco de óbito por COVID-19”), Federal University of Bahia, Brazil (December 2022).
Member of the jury for the Specialization in Data Science and Big Data thesis of Gregori Ramos (“Um estudo sobre ciência de dados aplicada a eventos esportivos: Um aanálise exploratória e descritiva”), Federal University of Bahia, Brazil (December 2022).
Member of the jury for the Specialization in Data Science and Big Data thesis of Lucas Paixão (“Predição da estabilidade de realces em minas subterrâneas: um estudo de caso baseado em métodos de aprendizado supervisionado”), Federal University of Bahia, Brazil (December 2022).
Member of the jury for the Specialization in Data Science and Big Data thesis of Paulo Vasquez (“Sistema fotovoltaico como fonte de energia alternativa para o nordeste brasileiro”), Federal University of Bahia, Brazil (December 2022).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis (qualificação) of Jonathan de Souza Matias (“Análise discriminante de dados correlacionados no tempo: abordagem no domínio da frequência”), UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil (September 2022).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis of Carlo Solci (“Local bootstrap for incomplete stationary time series in the presence of Atypical observations: Applications to problems in the air quality area”), Federal University of Espirito Santo, ES, Brazil (September 2022).
Member of the jury of the final BSc project (TCC I) of Júnia Matos (“Modelos de séries temporais para dados binários: Medidas de mitigação durante a pandemia da Covid-19”), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (July 2022, with Jalmar Carrasco and Ana Batista).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis of Javier Lopez (“Time series forecasting using a hybrid method based an singular spectrum analysis and artificial neural networks with application to air quality”), Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile (July 2022).
Member of the jury of the final BSc project (TCC I) of Kim Leone Souza da Silva (“Aplicação de Técnicas de Machine Learning para Classificação de Fake News”), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (July 2022, with Heliana Mello and Paulo Silva).
Member of the jury of the MSc thesis of Josue Nguinabe (“Bootstrap Prediction Intervals for Time Series Forecasting using Long Short Term Memory”), AIMS Cameroon, Cameroon (June 2022).
Member of the jury of the MSc thesis of Ariane Meli Chrisko (“Hierarchical Time Series Forecasting: Application to the Number of Brazilian Wildfires”), AIMS Cameroon, Cameroon (June 2022).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis of Breno de Almeida Biagiotti (“Framework conceitual para análise de Big Data Educacional em MOOCs”), Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil (November 2021, with Márcio Vieira de Souza, Araci Hack Catapan, Roseli Zen Cerny, and Maria José Baldessar).
Member of the jury of the MSc thesis of Tatiana Felix da Matta (“Novos modelos de regressão binária usando funções de ligação simétricas e assimétricas”), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (August 2021, with Paulo Henrique Ferreira, and Francisco Louzada).
Member of the jury of the MSc thesis of Kady Sako (“Neural Networks For Stock Market Forecasting”), AIMS Cameroon, Cameroon (July 2021).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis of Kalyf Abdalla Buzar Lima (“From modeling perceptions to evaluating video summarizers”), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (December 2020, with Luciano Oliveira, Gecynalda Gomes, João Paulo Papa, and Ricardo Torres).
Member of the jury of the final BSc project (TCC II) of Victor Barreto Mesquita (“Detecção de pontos de cruzamento em análise de flutuação: Uma aplicação para sinais de EEG de pacientes com epilepsia”), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (December 2020, with Gilney Zebende and Marcelo Taddeo).
Member of the jury of the final BSc project (TCC I) of Victor Barreto Mesquita (“Detecção de pontos de cruzamento em análise de flutuação: Uma aplicação para sinais de EEG de pacientes com epilepsia”), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (September 2020, with Gilney Zebende and Marcelo Taddeo).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis (qualificação) of Carlo Solci (“Estimação de intervalos de confiança de previsão via bootstrap de séries periódicas: Uma aplicação à poluição atmosférica da regisão metropolitana da graden Vitória”), UFES, Vitória, ES, Brazil (June 2020).
Member of the jury for the Specialization in Data Science and Big Data thesis of Lucas Pereira ("Desenvolvimento de um classificador de relatos dos assistidos na defensoria pública do estado da Bahia"), Federal University of Bahia, Brazil (November 2019).
Member of the jury for the Specialization in Data Science and Big Data thesis of Laion Lima Boaventura ("Conexão R-Tableau para Visualização Dinâmica em Big Data: Um Estudo de Caso Sobre as Empresas Brasileiras"), Federal University of Bahia, Brazil (November 2019).
Member of the jury (main reviewer) of the PhD thesis of Paulo Roberto Prezotti Filho (“Periodic models and variations applied to health problems”), double degree at Federal University of Espírito Santo, and l’Université Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec (February 2019).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis (qualificação) of Luciano Oliveira (“Modelo de mistura para o estudo da interação genótipos por ambientes em análise AMMI utilizando o método Bayesiano”), UFLA, Lavras, MG, Brazil (July 2019).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis of William Nilson de Amorim (“Ciência de dados, poluição do ar e saúde”), IME-USP, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (May 2019).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis (qualificação) of Florêncio Oliveira (“Amplitude da flutuação e correlação cruzada em sinais eletrocenfalográficos: Uma modelagem com a função de flutuação rms e o coeficiente de correlação cruzada DCCA”), Senai Cimatec, Salvador, Brazil (February 2019).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis (qualificação) of Everaldo Guedes (“Um modelo computacional para o monitoramento em tempo real da eficiência e da interdependência ou contágio entre os mercados financeiros”), Senai Cimatec, Salvador, Brazil (December 2018).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis of Carlos Pinheiro (“Detecção de Epilepsia com enfoque geral através do Modelo de Análise Singular Multivariado”), Senai Cimatec, Salvador, Brazil (June 2018).
Member of the jury of the PhD thesis (qualificação) of Carlos Pinheiro (“Detecção de Epilepsia com enfoque geral através do Modelo de Análise Singular Multivariado”), Senai Cimatec, Salvador, Brazil (December 2017).
Member of the jury of the MSc thesis of Cristiane Souza (“Métodos de redução de dimensionalidade no contexto do modelo AMMI”), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (July 2016, with Carlos Tadeu Dias, Leila Amorim).
Member of the jury of the final course assessment (TCC) of Pétala Tuy (“Análise espectral singular: Comparação com métodos clássicos e com uma proposta aleatorizada para lidar com séries temporais longas”), Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (May 2016, with Ricardo Araújo Rios, Gecynalda Soares da Silva Gomes).
Main jury (“arguente prinipal”) of the PhD thesis of Shirin Shahriari (“Variable Selection in Linear Regression Models with Large Number of Predictors”), University of Minho, Braga, Portugal (December 2014, with Manuela Souto de Miranda, Fernanda Campos de Sousa, Luis Filipe Machado, Raquel Menezes Leite, Susana Faria, Maria Fernanda Proença).
3. Jury for scholarships and job applications
Member of the committee to select one Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP, Brazil. Tenure track position. (B.S. Carvalho, E. Lebensztayn, C.G.B. Demétrio, and F. de Bastiani)
Member of the committee to select one Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Tenure track position. (with S.M. Freitas and L.C. Rego)
Chair of the committee to select one Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil. Tenure track position. (with F. Cysneiros and M. Ferreira)
Member of the committee to select one Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil. Tenure track position. (with M. Numes and C. Vivacqua)
Chair of the committee to select the Coordinator of CAST – Center for Applied Statistics and Data Analytics, University of Tampere, Finland. Fours years university position. (with J Nevalainen, J Peltonen, N Ellonen, T Nummi and S Saastamoinen)
Chair of the committee to select one Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil. Tenure track position. (with M de Castro and E Colosimo)
Chair of the committee to select the Coordinator of CAST – Center for Applied Statistics and Data Analytics, University of Tampere, Finland. Fours years university position. (with J Nevalainen, J Peltonen, N Ellonen and K Aalto)
Representative of the Institute of Mathematics in the main PIBIC committee, to award undergraduate scholarships, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. Twelve months scholarships PIBIC (scientific initiation for undergrad students)
Committee member to award undergraduate scholarships in Statistics, Federal University of Bahia. Twelve months scholarships PIBIC (scientific initiation for undergrad students)
Member of the jury to select six students to do the MSc in Mathematics at Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (July 2014, with Vitor Araújo, Samuel Silva and Giovana Silva)
Member of the jury to select three Teaching Assistants in Statistics at Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (June 2014, with Maristela Oliveira and Lizandra Fábio)
Committee member to award undergraduate scholarships in Statistics, Federal University of Bahia. Twelve months scholarships PIBIC (scientific initiation for undergrad students)
Chair of the jury to award a MSc Scholarship in Biostatistics and Biometry. Six months scholarship under the research project PTDC/AGR-PRO/2335/2012 (with Vanda Lourenço and Elsa Moreira)
Member of the jury to award a Postdoctoral Scholarship in Statistics. One year scholarship under the research project PTDC/MAT-STA/0568/2012 (with Vanda Lourenço and Ana M. Pires).
Member of the jury to award a MSc Scholarship in Statistics. Six months scholarship under the research project PTDC/MAT-STA/0568/2012 (with Vanda Lourenço and Ana M. Pires).
4. Jury for conference awards and founding
Chair of the jury of the “Best LACSC 2019 Paper Award”. Award for the best paper by an young researcher presented at the 4th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing - LACSC 2019, Guayaquil, Ecuador, May 28-31, 2019.
Member of the jury to award the best undergrad award “Iniciação Científica”. Award for the best paper by an undergrad student presented at the SINAPE 2018 - Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, São Pedro, São Paulo, Brazil, September 23-28, 2018.
Member of the Three-Minute-Talk Competition - English Scientific Communication. Award for the best Three-Minute-Talk Competition presented at the 1st Workshop of Biostatistics, Maringa State University, Maringa, PR, Brazil, December 7-9, 2016,
Chair of the ISBIS 2016 Best Poster Award Committee. Award for the best poster presented by at the International Symposium for business and Industrials Statistics, June 8-10, 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
Member of the evaluating committee. IASC 2015 Data Analysis Competition, Joint Meeting of IASC-ABE Satellite Conference, Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 2-4, 2015.
Member of the evaluating committee. Funding from the World Bank for participants from developing countries to participate in the 60th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 26-31 July 2015.
Chair of the Best yBIS 2013 Best Poster Award Committee. Award for the best paper presented presented by Young Researchers attending the y-BIS 2013: Joint Meeting of Young Business and Industrial Statisticians, Istanbul, Turkey.
Member of the evaluating committee for the Wakimoto Memorial Fund. Award for young statisticians attending the conference YSI2013, valued at $US5000 to cover travel expenses of five applicants and give them the chance of presenting their work in the “Wakimoto Memorial Students Session”.
Chair of the Best yBIS-jSPE Poster Award Committee 2012. Award for the best poster presented by Young Researchers attending the Joint Meeting of y-BIS and jSPE, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012
Chair of the evaluating committee. Funding from the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics (World Bank) for Participants from Developing Countries, in the Joint Meeting of y-BIS and jSPE, Lisbon, Portugal (support for the participation of 5 participants), 2012
Chair of the NISS/ASA Best y-BIS Paper Award Committee 2012. Award for Young Researchers attending the International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics 2012 (ISBIS-2012). The award, valued at $US1000, was generously provided by the American Statistical Association and the National Institute of Statistical Sciences; 2012
Member of the evaluating committee. Funding from the World Bank for Participants from Developing Countries, in the International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS-2012) (support for the participation of about 10 participants); 2011-2012
Co-Chair of the 17th EYSM Best Paper Award Committee 2011. Award for the best three papers presented at the 17th European Young Statisticians Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal - 2011.
Chair of the evaluating committee. Funding from the Bernoulli Society (World Bank) for Participants from Developing Countries, in the 17th European Young Statisticians Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal (support for the participation of about 10 participants) - 2011.
Chair of the NISS / ASA Best y-BIS Paper Award 2010. Award for Young Researchers attending the International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics 2010 (ISBIS-2010). The award, valued at $US1000, was generously provided by the American Statistical Association and the National Institute of Statistical Sciences.
Member of the evaluating committee. Funding from the World Bank for Participants from Developing Countries, in the International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS-2010) (support for the participation of about 15 participants).
5. Other juries or committees
Chair of the Nominating Committee for the ISBIS 2023 Elections (September 2022 – May 2023)
Chair of the Gosset Lecture nomination committee (August 2022 – September 2022)
Member of the IASC Nominating Committee for the election of the officers of the IASC Executive Committee (since 11/2019).
Member of the IBS Website and Membership Advisory Committee (2019-2020).
Member of the LARS-IASC Nominating Committee for the election of the officers of the LARS-IASC Executive Committee (2019-2022).
Member of the IASC Nominating Committee for the election of the officers of the IASC Executive Committee (2017-2019).
Member of the Statistics2013 Photo Contest Committee. Award to the best original photo that “tell a story about how statistics advances the wellbeing of people in your country or in our global society” by worldwide secondary-school students, promoted by Statistics2013.
Member of the ISBIS Nominating Committee for 2013 Elections
Member of the reviewing committee. Papers submitted to the PE&RC Publication Award 2011, Wageningen, The Netherlands - 2011.
Member of the reviewing committee. Contributed Papers submitted to the 11th annual meeting of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS), Coimbra, Portugal - 2011.
Member of the reviewing committee. Contributed Papers submitted to the 58th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), Dublin, Ireland - 2011.
Referee for Chartered Statistician Status - CStat. Chartered Statistician is a professional qualification awarded by the Royal Statistical Society to those of its Fellows who apply and are able to demonstrate appropriate academic qualifications and appropriate professional development in terms of professional training and experience.