1. Lectured Courses
“An introduction to Artificial Intelligence”. at Outotec, Espoo, Finland, April 11, 2018 (6 hours)
“Big data e visualização de dados no R”. at I Workshop in Biostatistics, Maringa, PR, Brazil, December 7-9, 2016 (6 hours)
“Workshop on Big Data and Sentiment Analysis”. at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, November 14-15, 2016 (10 hours)
“Workshop on Big Data, Internet of Things and Text Mining” at Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, November 11, 2016 (6 hours)
“Workshop on Big Data Analytics” at Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia, October 26-27, 2016 (10 hours)
“Big data e visualização: Aplicação em genética de plantas e mineração de texto (Big data and visualization: Application to plant genetics and text mining)” at Semana de Estatística 2015, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN. October 20 to October 23, 2015 (4 hours)
“Introdução ao uso do software R (An introduction to R)” at Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Bahia. October 9 to October 17, 2015 (20 hours)
“An introduction to Singular Spectrum Analysis” at XVI School of Time Series and Econometrics, Campos do Jordão, SP, Brazil, August 5–7, 2015. (90 minutes tutorial)
“Introdução ao uso do software R (An introduction to R)” at Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Bahina. July 26 to August 3, 2013 (20 hours, jointly with Samejima, K.)
“A metodologia AMMI: com aplicação ao melhoramento genético (The AMMI methodology: application to plant genetics)” at 58a Reunião Anual da Região Brasileira da Sociedade Internacional de Biometria (RBras) e o 15o Simpósio de Estatística Aplicada à Experimentação Agronômica (SEAGRO), Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brasil. July 22–26, 2013 (jointly with Dias, C.T.S., Hongyu, K., Araújo, L.B., Silva, M.J.C., Peña, M., Araújo, M.F.C., Faria, P.N., Alarcón, S.A.)
“An Introduction to R Software” at Poznan University of Life Sciences (for staff and Ph.D students of department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods), Poland. June 6, 11 and 13, 2008 (15 hours).
“Manipulation and statistical analysis of big data sets using the R software” at Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Portuguese Statistical Institute. From May 26 to May 29 of 2008 (28 hours).
“Variance Estimation” (Linearization method; Random Groups method; Resampling methods Jackknife and Bootstrap; Application to complex surveys and statistical software) at Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Portuguese Statistical Institute. From September 24 to September 28 of 2007 (30 hours). With Professor Teresa Themido Pereira.
“Using the SPSS for Analysis of Regression and Analysis of Variance”. Workshop presented for students of Probability and Statistics of the MSc in Mathematics for Teaching, at Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Nova University of Lisbon, 5 and 6 of December, 2005.
2. Invited Talks
(* indicates the invited speaker. No † means I was the invited speaker)
Statistical Computing And Robust Inference For High Dimensional Data (SCRI 2023), December 11-14, 2023, Taipei, Taiwan. ‘Robust singular spectrum analysis: Methodology and application.”
12th conference of the Asian Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC-ARS), December 6-8, 2023, Sydney, Australia. “Visualization and spatio-temporal modeling of the Brazilian wildfires: The influence of human and meteorological variables.”
International Conference on Data Science (ICDS2023), November 8-10, 2023, Santiago, Chile. “The usefulness of singular spectrum analysis in hybrid methodologies for time series forecasting.” (Keynote Talk)
Workshop on Data Science and Climate Change, November 7, 2023, Santiago, Chile. “Spatio-temporal modelling of the Brazilian wildfires: The influence of human and meteorological variables”
7th International Researchers, Statisticians, and Young Statisticians Congress, November 2-5, 2023, Istanbul, Turkey. “Statistical Learning: Transforming Data Into Knowledge” (Keynote Talk)
1st SaLLy Day, October 28, 2023, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil. “Aprendizado Estatístico: Transformando Dados em Conhecimento” (Keynote Talk)
Third Event on Play with Real Data, October 6-23, 2023, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran (Online). “Statistical Learning: Transforming Data Into Knowledge”
25th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2023), August 22-25, 2023, London, UK. “Bayesian spatio-temporal modelling of the Brazilian wildfires: The influence of human and meteorological variables” (part of an organized session)
67th RBras and 20th SEAGRO (RBras 2023), July 24-28, 2023, Londrina, Brazil. “Modelagem espaço-temporal dos incêndios florestais brasileiros: a influência de variáveis humanas e meteorológicas”
World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute (ISI WSC 2023), July 15-17, 2023, Ottawa, Canada. “Spatio-temporal modelling of the Brazilian wildfires: The influence of human and meteorological variables.”
ISI Young Statisticians Event, July 15, 2023, Ottawa, Canada. “Statistical Learning: Transforming Data Into Knowledge”
2023 conference of the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics (ISBIS 2023), July 13-14, 2023, Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada. “Robust singular spectrum analysis: Comparison between classic and robust approaches for model fit and forecasting.”
7th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2023), April 3-5, 2023. “The usefulness of singular spectrum analysis in hybrid methodologies for time series forecasting”
The 6th International Conference on Data Science and Business Analytics (ICDSBA 2022), December 17, 2022. “Statistics and Data Science: Transforming data into information” (Plenary Lecture)
International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Sciences, and Statistics (ICoMCoS 2022), Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia, October 2-3, 2022. “Recent advances in singular spectrum analysis and its applications” (Plenary Lecture)
6th International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICM2E 2022), Universitas Negeri Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia, September 3, 2022. “Statistical learning: Transforming data into information” (Plenary Lecture)
ADA Global Academy Capacity Building for African students, August 6, 2022. “Statistics and Data Science in the 21st Century” (Plenary Lecture)
International Symposium for Business and Industrial Statistics 2022, Naples, Italy, June 20-21, 2022. “Time series forecasting using ensemble and hybrid methodologies”
16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing, Brazil (Online), March 16-18th, 2022. “Time series forecasting using singular spectrum analysis, fuzzy systems and neural networks”
Workshop on Common Errors in Statistical Studies, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran (Online), February 24, 2022. “Communicating Statistics: Statisticians React to the News, the ISI Blog” (Plenary Lecture)
ADA Global Academy Capacity Building for African students, January 19, 2022. “Statistical learning: Transforming data into information” (Plenary Lecture)
IV Jornadas de Ingeniería Estadística UBB, Chile, January 19-21, 2022. “Statistics and Data Science: Transforming data into information” (Plenary Lecture)
Workshop “Advances in Statistical Methods”, Colombian Statistical Society, Colombia, November 25, 2021. “Statistical learning: Transforming data into information” (Plenary Lecture)
XXV Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Évora, Portugal (online), October 13-16, 2021. “A complex trait with unstable QTLs can follow from component traits with stable QTLs: An illustration by a simulation study in pepper”
XXIX Semana do IME/UFG e a VI Seminário de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação do IME/UFG, Goiás, Brazil (online), October 5-8, 2021. “Estatística e Ciência de Dados: Transformando dados em informação”
3º Encontro Paraibano de Estatística, Paraíba, Brazil (online), September 27, 2021 - October 1, 2021. “Previsão de series temporais usando análise espetral singular, sistemas difusos e redes neurais”
63rd World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute (ISI WSC 2021), The Netherlands (online), July 15, 2021. “Time series forecasting using singular spectrum analysis, fuzzy systems and neural networks”
Evento Big Data e Políticas Públicas, Salvador, BA, Brazil, June 4, 2021. “Big data e políticas públicas em tempos de pandemia”
V Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2021), Mexico City, Mexico, April 19-21, 2021. “Robust singular spectrum analysis: An application to mutual investment funds”
Semana da Estatística of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil, December 07, 2020. “Statistics and Data Science: Challenges in the Era of Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence” (Plenary Lecture)
Simposio de Ingeniería Económica y Financiera, Escuela Superior de Apan - UAEH, Mexico, November 11, 2020. “Robust singular spectrum analysis: An application to mutual investment funds” (Plenary Lecture)
VII Encontro Baiano de Estatística (VII EBest), Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil, October 18-25, 2020. “Estatística e Ciência de Dados: transformando dados em informação” (Closing Plenary Lecture)
4th International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca, Mexico, October 08-09, 2020. “Statistics and Data Science: Transforming data into information” (Plenary Lecture)
12th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2019), University of London, UK, December 14-16, 2019. “Robust singular spectrum analysis: Methodology and application”
VIII Fórum Baiano de Economia Aplicada, Salvador, BA, Brazil, November 12-13, 2019. “A importância da estatística e da ciência de dados na melhoria das políticas públicas”
ISI WSC 2019 – World Statistics Congresso of the International Statistical Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malasia, August 19-23, 2019. “Recent advances in singular spectrum analysis”
DSSV 2019 – Data Science, Statistic and Visualization, Kyoto, Japan, August 13-15, 2019. “Robust singular spectrum analysis: Methodology and application”
64th RBras and 18th SEAGRO, Cuiabá, MT, Brazil, July 29, 2019 - August 2, 2019. “A complex trait with unstable QTLs can follow from component traits with stable QTLs: An illustration by a simulation study in pepper”
Escuela Métodos Matemáticos en Biología y Medicina, Bogota, Colombia, July 22-26, 2019. “Statistical and mathematical modelling in quantitative genetics”
CONE 2019 - Congresso de Estatística, Salvador, BA, Brazil, June 8, 2019. “A general overview over Data Science, Internet of Things and Artificial Inteligence” (under the Invited Panel Discussion “Statistics and Data Science - Transforming data in business insights”)
International Conference on Robust Statistics 2019 and 4th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC 2019), Guayaquil, Ecuador, May 28-31, 2019. “Robust and randomized singular spectrum analysis”
Data in Bahia Meetup #5, UFBA, Salvador, BA, Brazil, April 25, 2019. “Especialização em Ciência de Dados e Big Data: Moldando as habilidades analíticas”
Workshop em Data Science, UFLA, Lavras, MG, Brazil, March 13-15, 2019. “Aprendizado estatístico, big data e internet of things: Semelhanças e diferenças”
EBEst 2018 – VI Encontro Baiano de Estatística, Salvador, BA, Brazil, October 25-27, 2018. “The role of statistics in data science”
SINAPE 2018 – 23o Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, São Pedro, SP, Brazil, September 24-28, 2018. “Singular spectrum analysis for long and contaminated time series” (Thematic Session)
SINAPE 2018 – 23o Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, São Pedro, SP, Brazil, September 24-28, 2018. “Estatístico no mercado de big data: Formação de especialistas e a importância da estatística no universo da Ciência de Dados” (Round Table)
SINAPE 2018 – 23o Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, São Pedro, SP, Brazil, September 24-28, 2018. “Modelo GGE ponderado no estudo da interação entre QTL e ambiente para dados simulados” (Thematic Session; joint work with T. Assis* and C.T.S. Dias)
CompStat 2018 – 23rd International Conference on Computational Statistics, Iasi, Romania, August 28-31, 2018. “A robust approach to singular spectrum analysis” (Organized Paper Session)
LinStat 2018 – International Conference on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference, Bedlewo, Poland, August 20-24, 2018. “Recent advances in singular spectrum analysis”
ISBIS 2018 – International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics, Piraeus, Greece, July 4-6, 2018. “Singular spectrum analysis for long and contaminated time series”
RBras 2018 – 53th Annual Conference of the Brazilian Region of the International Biometric Society, Curitiba, Brazil, May 23-25, 2018. “AMMI modelling of genotype-by-environment interaction with data contamination and heterogeneous error variance”
3rd LACSC and XXI SIMMAC – 3rd Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC), and XXI International Symposium on Mathematical Methods Applied to the Sciences (XXI SIMMAC), San José, Costa Rica, February 27 - March 2, 2018. “A robust DF-REML framework for genetic association studies”
MIPIS 2017 – Workshop on Modern Methods in Insurance Pricing and Industrial Statistics, Hamedan, Iran, September 3-5, 2017. “Robust singular spectrum analysis: An application to the energy sector"
RBras 2017 – 62nd Annual Conference of the Brazilian Region of the International Biometric Society (RBras), Lavras, MG, Brazil, July 24-28, 2017. “Big data in biostatistics: An application to genetic association studies”
ISI WSC 2017 – 61st World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Marrakech, Marocco, July, 16-21, 2017. “Challenges for time series in the world of big data”
YS-ISI2017 – 2017 ISI Young Statisticians Workshop, Marrakech, Marocco, July, 16, 2017. “An introduction to Big Data and Internet of Things”
DSSV2017 – Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation, Lisbon, Portugal, July 12–14, 2017. "Randomized singular spectrum analysis for long time series”
Methods Festival 2017, Jyväskylä, Finland, May 30–31, 2017. “Statistics in the Era of big data and Internet of Things"
EMR 2017 – XV EMR - Escola de Modelos de Regressão (Brazilian School of Regression Models), Goiania, GO, Brazil, March 26–29, 2017. “Visualização em aplicações de big data e internet of things”
LACSC 2017 – 2nd Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing, Valparaiso, Chile, March 9-11, 2017. “Randomized singular spectrum analysis for long time series”
MINDTREK 2016 – 20th International Technology Conference, Tampere, Finland, October 17–19, 2016. “The role of Statistics in the Internet of Things”
SINAPE 2016 – 22nd SINAPE - Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, July 25–29, 2016. “Statistics in the Era of Big Data and Internet of Things”
SINAPE 2016 – 22nd SINAPE - Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, July 25–29, 2016. “RBras: história e desafios de uma das mais antigas associações científicas Brasileiras”
1st Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing, Gramado, RS, Brazil, July 22–24, 2016. “Statistics for data science”
ISBIS 2016, Barcelona, Spain, June 8–10, 2016. “Recent advances in singular spectrum analysis”
61st RBras 2016, Salvador, Brazil, May 23–25, 2016. “On the robust estimation of trait heritability” (joint work with V. Lourenço*, M. Fonseca and A.M. Pires)
Workshop “Data Bahia” UFBA, Fio Cruz, Sorbonne Universités, Salvador, Brazil, April 25–26, 2016. “Statistics for data science”
8th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2015), University of London, UK, December 12–14, 2015. “Analysis of traffic data using models for time series and functional data”
Semana de Estatística 2015, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil, October 20–23, 2015. “Big data e visualização: Aplicação em genética de plantas e mineração de texto (Big data and visualization: Application to plant genetics and text mining)” (4 hours short course)
III Meeting of the Graduated School in Mathematics, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, September 14–18, 2015. “An overview of Singular Spectrum Analysis” (Plenary Talk)
Methods Festival, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, August 19–20, 2015. “Why Statistics?"
XVI School of Time Series and Econometrics, Campos do Jordão, SP, Brazil, August 5–7,2015. “An introduction to Singular Spectrum Analysis” (90 minutes tutorial)
Joint Meeting IASC-ABE Satellite Conference of the 60th ISI WSC, Búzios, RJ, Brazil, August 1–4, 2015. “Testing the equality of several linear regression models” (joint work with F. Marques. and C.A. Coelho)
Joint Meeting IASC-ABE Satellite Conference of the 60th ISI WSC, Búzios, RJ, Brazil, August 1–4, 2015. “The usefulness of robust principal component analysis in quantitative genetics”
60th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 26–31, 2015. “Robust singular value decomposition with application to multi-location plant breeding trials”
60th Annual Conference of the Brazilian Region of the International Biometrical Society (RBras), Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil, July 20–24, 2015. “A Robust AMMI model for the analysis of genotype-by-environment data”
XX Semana da Estatística (XX Week of Statistics), Federal University of Pará, Belém, Pará, Brazil, May 26–30, 2013. “Big data and statistical genetics” (Keynote Speaker)
II Workshop on Big Data – Big (and not so big) Data in Health Bahia, Salvador, BA Brazil, April 7, 2014. “Challenges in genetic data – dimensionality reduction”
y-BIS 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, September 19–21, 2013. “An overview of singular spectrum analysis”
Mat Triad 2013, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 16–20, 2013. “The role of matrix analysis in statistical genetics” (Keynote Speaker)
59th World Statistics Congress–ISI 2013, Hong Kong, August 25–30, 2013. “Low-rank approximations and weighted low-rank approximations”
Joint Meeting of the IASC Satellite Conference for the 59th ISI WSC and the 8th Conference of the Asian Regional Section of the IASC, Seoul, Korea, August 22-23, 2013. “Comparison of algorithms for weighted low-rank approximations and application to plant genetics”
Joint Meeting of y-BIS and jSPE – Joint Meeting of y-BIS–International Young Business and Industrial Statisticians of the ISBIS, and jSPE–Young Portuguese Statisticians, Caparica, Portugal, July 23–26, 2012. Discussant of the Invited Paper Session organized by the Portuguese Central Bank - July 2012
LinStat & IWMS 2012 – International Conference on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical In- ference, and 21st International Workshop of Matrices and Statistics, Be¸dlewo, Poland, July 16–20, 2012. “Low-rank approximations and weighted low-rank approximations” (Plenary Talk) - July 2012
5th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics, and Computation: Methods and Applications and Third Portuguese-Polish Workshop on Biometry, Covilhã, Portugal, July 3–4, 2012. “Statistical Methods to Detect and Understand Genotype-by-Environment Interactions and QTL-by-Environment Interactions” - July 2012
5th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics, and Computation: Methods and Applications and Third Portuguese-Polish Workshop on Biometry, Covilhã, Portugal, July 3–4, 2012. “A comparison between Joint Regression Analysis and AMMI model: a case study with barley” (joint work with D.G. Pereira*., S. Mejza and J.T. Mexia) - July 2012
International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics – ISBIS 2012, Bangkok, Thailand, June 17–21, 2012. “Low Rank Approximations and Weighted PCA” - June 2012
5th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics, and Computation: Methods and Applications, Faro, Portugal, 2011. “Analysing genotype by environment interaction by curvilinear regression” (joint work with S. Mejza*, I. Mejza, D. Pereira and J.T. Mexia) - July 2011
5th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics, and Computation: Methods and Applications, Faro, Portugal, 2011. “A new statistical method to identify the genetic basis of plant responses to stress” - July 2011
I Jornadas de Estatística e Investigação Operacional, UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal, 2010 (Meeting on Statistics and Operational Research). “Análise de Componentes Principais: e se os dados não forem contínuos e as observações independentes?” - September 2010
Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matematica 2010 (Anual meeting of the Portuguese Mathematical Society). “O Filtro Espectral Singular e a Datacao do Ciclo Economico dos EUA” (joint work with M. de Carvalho) - July 2010.
International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics - ISBIS-2010. “Heavy metal migration during electroremediation of fly ash from different wastes - Modelling” (joint work with A.T. Lima* and J.T. Mexia) - July 2010.
International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics - ISBIS-2010. “Analysis and forecasting of the NYSE composite index” - July 2010.
XVII Conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Sesimbra, Portugal. “Metodo de Imputacao Recorrente: Analise Espectral Singular com Valores Omissos” (Prize SPE 2009, with M. de Carvalho) - September 2009.
16th European Young Statisticians Meeting, Bucharest, Romania. Keynote Lecture - “Genotype by environment interaction and QTL by environment interaction in multilocation trials” (joint work with H.G. Gauch, J.D. Munkvold, E.L. Heffner and M. Sorrells) - August 2009.
Mat-Triad 2009, Bedlewo, Poland. “Extension of models with orthogonal block structure” (joint work with M. Fonseca* and J.T. Mexia) - March 2009.
XVIIIth Summer School of Biometrics, Račkova Dolina, Slovakia. “Application of multivariate techniques to genotype x environment interaction” (joint work with S. Mejza and J.T. Mexia) - June 2008.
LifeStat 08 - First Conference of the Central European Network, Munich, Germany. “Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis: An Application” - March 2008.
15th European Young Statisticians Meeting, Castro Urdiales, Spain. “Principal Component Analysis of dependent data” - September 2007.
36th International Biometrical Colloquium, Olsztyn, Poland. “A comparison between Principal Component Analysis and Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis: Application on European Union data” - September 2007.
SCRA 2006/FIM XIII, Tomar, Portugal. “Inference for random effects prime basis factorial using commutative Jordan algebras” (joint work with V.M. Jesus† and J.T. Mexia) - September 2006.
35th International Biometrical Colloquium, Poznań, Poland. “ANOVA using commutative Jordan algebras: An application” (joint work with J.T. Mexia) - September 2005.
3. Seminars and other Invited Talks
DaSSWeb - Data Science and Statistics Webinar, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. “Spatio-temporal modelling of the Brazilian wildfires: The influence of human and meteorological variables” (November 22, 2023)
Universidad de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile. “Spatio-temporal modelling of the Brazilian wildfires: The influence of human and meteorological variables” (November 15, 2023)
Universidad de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile. “Statistical Learning: Transforming data into Knowledge, applications to Health and Environment” (November 14, 2023)
Semana de Ciência, Arte e Tecnologia, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. “SaLLy - Statistical Learning Laboratory: Transformando dados em Conhecimento” (October 19, 2023)
Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia. “Introduction to singular spectrum analysis in hybrid models for time series forecasting” (May 5, 2023)
Escuela de Posgrado, Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima, Peru. “La Estadística em la publicación cientifica” (March 30, 2023)
Ômega Talks, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. “A versatilidade da Estatística” (March 28, 2023)
Universidad Peruana Unión, Peru. “La Estadística como ciencia versatil” (March 13, 2023)
University of Valparaiso, Chile. “Singular spectrum analysis: Methodology and applications” (September 9, 2022)
ENBIS seminars. “Time series forecasting using ensemble and hybrid methodologies” (May 10, 2022)
State University of Feira de Santana, Ferira de Santana, BA, Brazil. “Previsão de séries temporais usando análise espetral singular, sistemas fuzzy e redes neurais” (May 04, 2022)
Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. “Statistics and Data Science: Transforming data into information ” (August 25, 2021)
Nova University of Lisbon, CMA-FCT-UNL, Lisbon, Portugal. “Statistics and Data Science: Transforming data into information ” (March 17, 2021)
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. “Statistical challenges in genotype by environment interactions and QTL by environment interactions” (October 07, 2020)
Federal University of Uberlândia, MG, Brazil. “Estatística e Ciência de Dados: Similaridades e Diferenças” (November 08, 2019)
National University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia. “Statistics and Data Science: Are they that different?” (July 25, 2019)
SEI - Superintendência de Estudos Econômicos e Sociais, Salvador, BA, Brazil. “Uma visão global sobre Ciência de Dados e Big Data” (May 16, 2019)
Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh - University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. “Connecting Statistics, Big data and Internet of Things” (July 24, 2018)
“Big data e visualização de dados no R”. I Workshop in Biostatistics, Maringa, PR, Brazil (6 hours; December 7-9, 2016)
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. “Workshop on Big Data and Sentiment Analysis” (10 hours; November 14-15, 2016)
IST Akprind, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. “The Role of Statistics in Big Data” (November 12, 2016)
Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. “Workshop on Big Data, Internet of Things and Text Mining” ( 6 hours; November 11, 2016)
Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. “The Role of Statistics in Big Data” and “An Introduction to Statistical Genetics” (November 5, 2016)
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia. “Workshop on Big Data Analytics” ( 10 hours; October 26-27, 2016)
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia. “An Introduction to Robust Statistics and Statistical Genetics”, “Lecture on Regression Analysis and Applications”, “An Introduction to Singular Spectrum Analysis” and “R Tutorial” (October 24-25, 2016)
University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland. “Why Statistics?” (October 3, 2016)
Helsinki Statistics Day, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. “Statistics in the Era of Big Data and Internet of Things” (February 12, 2016)
University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland. “Statistics in the Era of Big Data” (January 2015, “Open guest lecture”)
Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA Brazil. “An overview of Singular Spectrum Analysis” (October 2014)
Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA Brazil. “Porquê ser Estatístico?” (Why to be a Statistician?; April 2014)
Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil. “Big data and statistical genetics” (October 2013)
ESALQ - Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, University of São Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. “Modelo AMMI ponderado para analisar a interação entre genótipo e ambiente e a interação entre QTL e ambiente” (May 2013)
Department of Mathematics, Nova University of Lisbon, Caparica, Portugal. “Porque é que a Estatística é o "sexy job" desta década?” - December 2012
Center of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Applications, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal. “Modelo AMMI pesado para estudar interação entre genótipo e ambiente e entre QTL e ambiente” - April 2012
2.ª Jornada da Matemática. Personal presentation of my career between 1998 and 2012 for the BSc. and MSc students at Department of Mathematics of FCT-UNL - March 2012.
Third annual SPICY meeting, INRA, Avignon, France. “A sensitivity analysis of physiological genotype to phenotype crop growth modes models” - April 2011.
Biometris, Plant Sciences Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. “Approximating physiological crop growth modes models by linear-bilinear models” - March 2011
Faculty of Sciences, Porto University, Porto, Portugal. “Genotype by environment interaction in crop growth models for pepper” - January 2011.
Biometris, Plant Sciences Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. “Statistics, genetics and physiology in EU-SPICY” - november 2010.
XVIII Conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, São Pedro do Sul, Portugal. Presentation of the “jSPE - a Secção de Jovens Estatísticos da SPE” (with M. de Carvalho) - October 2010.
Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany. “QTL detection in the outcome of a simple Crop Growth Model” - May 2010.
Biometris, Plant Sciences Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. “EU-SPICY: Integration of QTL and Crop Growth Modelling” (joint work with N. Alimi, E. Heuvelink, M. Bink, L.F.M. Marcelis and F.A. van Eeuwijk) - May 2010.
Second annual SPICY meeting, Gent, Belgium. “Generating realistic GxE in pepper by crop growth models” - March 2010.
Biometris, Plant Sciences Group, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. “Two New Strategies for Detecting and Understanding QTL by Environment Interactions” (joint work with H.G. Gauch, J.D. Munkvold, E.L. Heffner and M. Sorrells) - October 2009.
ISBIS General Assembly at 57th Session of the ISI, Durban, South Africa. Presentation of the “y-BIS - the Young People’s group in ISBIS” - August 2009.
Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin, Germany. “Two New Strate- gies for Detecting and Understanding QTL by Environment Interactions” (joint work with H.G. Gauch, J.D. Munkvold, E.L. Heffner and M. Sorrells) - July 2009.
Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin, Germany. “Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis: An Introduction” - May 2008.
Seminario - Inverno demografico: Que respostas?, Lisbon, Portugal. “Demografia: Passado e Presente. Que Futuro?” (joint work with J.T. Mexia) - January 2008.
4. Contributed Talks
(* indicates the presenting author. No † means I was the presenting author.)
31st International Biometric Conference (IBS 2022), Riga, Latvia, July 10-15, 2022. “Detection of crossover points in detrended fluctuation analysis: An application to EEG signals of patients with epilepsy”
International Conference on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Inference (LinStat2022), Tomar, Portugal, July 4-8, 2022. “Time series forecasting using ensemble and hybrid methodologies”
International Symposium of Forecasting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (online), October 26-28, 2020. “Time series forecasting using singular spectrum analysis, fuzzy systems and neural networks”
50th Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, November 23-25, 2019. “Novel MINITAB macros for advanced statistical and plant genetic analyses: A case study with maize” (joint work with A. Arminian, C. Ozgur* and Z. Karimi)
7th Channel Network Conference, Rothamsted , UK, July 10-12, 2019. “A complex trait with unstable QTLs can follow from component traits with stable QTLs: An illustration by a simulation study in pepper”
SINAPE 2018 – 23o Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, São Pedro, SP, Brazil, September 24-28, 2018. “Joint model for longitudinal and multi-state data: An application to prostate cancer” (joint work with F. Barletta, O.Pereira and I. Previdelli*)
IBC 2018 – XXIX International Biometric Conference, Barcelona, Spain, July 8-13, 2018. “A robust DF-REML framework for genetic association studies”
RBras 2018 – 53th Annual Conference of the Brazilian Region of the International Biometric ociety, Curitiba, Brazil, May 23-25, 2018. “Joint model para dados longitudinais e multi-estado: Uma aplicação para câncer de próstata” (joint work with F. Barletta* and I. Previdelli)
RBras 2018 – 53th Annual Conference of the Brazilian Region of the International Biometric Society, Curitiba, Brazil, May 23-25, 2018. “Modelo GGE ponderado no estudo da interação entre QTL e ambiente” (joint work with T.O.G. Assis* and C.T.S. Dias)
22nd International Conference on Computational Statistics – COMPSTAT 2016, Oviedo, Spain, August 22–26, 2016. “Randomized singular spectrum analysis for long time series” (joint work with P. Tuy and R. Mahmoudvand)
60th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 26–31, 2015. “Robust heritability estimation in plant studies” (joint work with V.M. Lourenço* and M. Fonseca and A.M. Pires)
ENAR 2015, Miami, USA. “New insights into the usefulness of robust singular value decomposition in statistical genetics: Robust AMMI model” (joint work with V.M. Lourenço and A. Monteiro; March 2015)
ENAR 2015, Miami, USA. “A Robust LMM for Heritability Estimation in Plant Studies” (joint work with V.M. Lourenço*, M. Fonseca and A.M. Pires; March 2015)
LINSTAT 2014, Linköping, Sweden. “Robust singular value decomposition with application to multilocation plant breeding trials” (Special Session; joint work with A.F. Monteiro and V.M. Lourenço; August 2014)
21st International Conference on Computational Statistics, Geneva, Switzerland. “Robust singular value decomposition with application to statistical genetics” (joint work with A.F. Monteiro and V.M. Lourenço; August 2014)
Joint Statistical Meetings 2014, Boston, USA. “A robust coefficient of determination for heritability estimation in genetic association studies” (joint work with V.M. Lourenço*. and A.M. Pires; August 2014)
16th Meeting of New Researchers in Statistics and Probability, Harvard University, Boston, USA. “Robust Heritability Estimation in Plant Candidate Gene Association Studies” (joint work with V.M. Lourenço* and A.M. Pires; August 2014)
XXVII International Biometric Conference, Florence, Italy. “A weighted AMMI algorithm to study genotype-by-environment interaction and QTL-by-environment interaction” (joint work with M. Malosetti, H.G. Gauch and F.A. van Eeuwijk; July 2014)
Tenth Working Seminar on Statistical Methods in Variety Testing, Bedlewo, Poland. “Some strategies to model and understand QTL-by-environment interactions” (July 2014)
3rd Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
“A robust coefficient of determination for heritability estimation in genetic association studies” (joint work with V.M. Lourenço*. and A.M. Pires; June 2014)
2014 Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Toronto, Canada. “A robust coefficient of determination for heritability estimation in genetic association studies” (joint work with V.M. Lourenço* and A.M. Pires; May 2014)
XX conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Porto, Portugal. “Redução da dimensionalidade e análise de componentes principais ponderada” - September 2012
57a Reunião Anual da Região Brasileira da Sociedade Internacional de Biometria (RBras), Piracicaba, Brazil. “Weighted AMMI to study genotype-by-environment interaction and QTL-by-environment interaction” (joint work with M. Malosetti, H.G. Gauch and F. van Eeuwijk) - May 2012
XIX conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Nazaré, Portugal. “Comparison of statistical methods for the identification of the genetic basis of plant responses to stress” - September 2011.
CEN 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. “Analysing genotype by environment interaction by curvilinear regression” (joint work with S. Mejza*, I. Mejza, D. Pereira and J.T. Mexia) - September 2011.
58th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), Dublin, Ireland. “Approximating physiological nonlinear genotype-phenotype models by linear-bilinear models” - August 2011.
2011 Joint Statistical Meetings, Florida, USA. “Simulation of GEI and QEI using a genotype to phenotype model with physiological parameters without GEI” - August 2011.
Mat Triad 2011, Tomar, Portugal. “Weighted singular value decomposition and application to the study of QTL by environment interactions” - July 2011.
XXVth International Biometric Conference, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. “SSimulating realistic GxE and QTLxE in pepper using a crop growth model with physiological parameters without GxE” - December 2010.
XVIII Conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, São Pedro do Sul, Portugal. “Simulação de interacçãao entre QTL e ambiente usando modelos ecofisiológicos” - September 2010.
40th International Biometrical Colloquium and Second Polish-Portuguese Workshop on Biometry in honour of Prof. J.T. Mexia, Bedlewo, Poland. “Crop growth modelling and QTL analysis of multilocation trials” - August 2010.
LinStat, Tomar, Portugal. “Extension of models with orthogonal block structure” (joint work with M. Fonseca*, F. Carvalho and J.T. Mexia) - July 2010.
LinStat, Tomar, Portugal. “Analysing genotype by environment interaction by curvilinear regression” (joint work with D. Pereira*, S. Mejza and J.T. Mexia) - July 2010.
LinStat, Tomar, Portugal. “Simulation and analysis of realistic GxE using a crop growth model with physiological parameters without GxE” - July 2010.
LinStat, Tomar, Portugal. “Analysing genotype by environment interaction by curvilinear regression” (joint work with I. Mejza*, S. Mejza, J.T. Mexia and D. Pereira) - July 2010.
Young Statisticians Meeting, Liverpool, UK. “Singular Spectrum Analysis of Time Series with Missing Data” (joint work with M. de Carvalho) - March 2010.
XVII Conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Sesimbra, Portugal. “Métodos de análise espectral singular” (joint work with M. de Carvalho*) - October 2009.
57th Session of the ISI - International Statistical Institute, Durban, South Africa. “Monitoring Calibration of the Singular Spectrum Analysis Method” (STCPM - Special Topic Contributed Paper Meeting, joint work with M. de Carvalho) - August 2009.
EURISBIS’09 - European Regional Meeting of the ISBIS, Cagliari, Italy. “Forecasting the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index” (joint work with M. de Carvalho) - May 2009.
XVI conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Vila Real, Portugal. “Interacção entre Genótipo e Ambiente: Desafios e Perspectivas” (joint work with S. Mejza and J.T. Mexia) - September 2008.
38th International Biometrical Colloquium, Warsaw, Poland. “Overview of Genotype x Environment Interaction” (joint work with S. Mejza and J.T. Mexia) - September 2008.
CompStat 2008 - International Conference on Computational Statistics, Porto, Portugal. “On the Construction of Forecasts through the Lagged PLS Model” (joint work with M. de Carvalho*, M.M. Oliveira and J.T. Mexia) - August 2008.
CompStat 2008 - International Conference on Computational Statistics, Porto, Portugal. “Monitoring Calibration of the Singular Spectrum Analysis Method” (joint work with M. de Carvalho) - August 2008.
17th IWMS - International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, Tomar, Portugal. “Genotype x Environment Interaction - Challenges and Perspectives” (joint work with S. Mejza and J.T. Mexia) - July 2008.
17th IWMS - International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, Tomar, Portugal. “Interaction between factors that nest: application to prime basis factorials” (joint work with V.M. Jesus* and J.T. Mexia) - July 2008.
VIII Symposium of Quantitative Genetics of Field Crops, Szklarska Por¸eba, Poland. “Structuring Genotype-Environment Interaction: an Overview” (joint work with S. Mejza and J.T. Mexia) - June 2008.
IMST 2008/FIM XIV, Memphis, USA. “Interaction Between Factors that Nest: Application to Prime Basis Factorials” (joint work with V.M. Jesus* and J.T. Mexia) - May 2008.
LinStat 2008, Bedlewo, Poland. “Analysis of an European Union election using Principal Component Analysis” (joint work with A.T. Lima and V.M. Jesus) - April 2008.
31st Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. ‘A Singular Spectrum Analysis Of The New York Stock Exchange Composite Index” (joint work with M. de Carvalho* and J. Silva) - April 2008.
56th Session of the ISI - International Statistical Institute, Lisbon, Portugal. “PLS regression of Economical Data” (joint work with M.M. Oliveira and J.T. Mexia) - August 2007.
XV conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Lisbon, Portugal. “Será que os homens morrem antes das mulheres?” (joint work with J.T. Mexia) - August 2007.
XIV conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Covilhã, Portugal. “Análise de Componentes Principais sobre dados dependentes” (joint work with J. Branco) - September 2006.
XIV conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Covilhã, Portugal. “Matrizes de incidência factorial e álgebras de Jordan comutativas para factoriais de base prima” (joint work with V.M. Jesus and J.T. Mexia) - September 2006.
XIII conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Ericeira, Portugal. “Aplicação das álgebras de Jordan comutativas à análise de variância” (joint work with J.T. Mexia) - September 2005.
XII conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Évora, Portugal. “Estimação de componentes de variância em modelos equilibrados com cruzamento e encaixe” (joint work with J.T. Mexia) - October 2004.
5. Contributed Posters
XXVI Congress of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE 2023), October 11-14, 2023. “A hybrid robust-weighted AMMI modeling approach with generalized weighting schemes” (joint work with Lourenço, V.M.* and Fonseca, M.B.)
4th Conference on Statistics and Data Science (CSDS 2022), December 1-3, 2022. “Active deep learning for seismic facies classification” (joint work with Costa, N.C..* and Oliveira, L.R.)
4th Conference on Statistics and Data Science (CSDS 2022), December 1-3, 2022. “Robust modeling in statistical genetics” (joint work with Fonsêca, M.B.* and Lourenço, V.M.)
4th Conference on Statistics and Data Science (CSDS 2022), December 1-3, 2022. “Application of machine learning techniques for fake news classification” (joint work with Silva, K.L.S.* and Paixão, C.A.)
4th Conference on Statistics and Data Science (CSDS 2022), December 1-3, 2022. “How do human and meteorological variables affect the spatio-temporal behavior of Brazilian wildfires?” (joint work with Pimentel, J.S.* and Bulhões, R.S.)
4th Conference on Statistics and Data Science (CSDS 2022), December 1-3, 2022. “Different faces of defense: Studying the National Basketball Association’s (NBA) defensive positions” (joint work with Silva, J.V.R.*)
4th Conference on Statistics and Data Science (CSDS 2022), December 1-3, 2022. “Robust local boostrap for stationary time series with missing data” (joint work with Solci, C.C.* andReisen, V.A.)
VIII Encontro Baiano de Estatística (EBEST 2022), October 25-27, 2022. “Modelagem preditiva baseada em modelos estocásticos e machine learning: Uma aplicação a dados da COVID-19” (joint work with Souza, D.S.*)
VIII Encontro Baiano de Estatística (EBEST 2022), October 25-27, 2022. “Visualização e previsão espaço temporal de PM10 no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil” (joint work with Silva, K.L.S.*)
VIII Encontro Baiano de Estatística (EBEST 2022), October 25-27, 2022. “Modelagem robusta em estatística genética” (joint work with Fonseca, M.B.* and Lourenço, V.L.)
VIII Encontro Baiano de Estatística (EBEST 2022), October 25-27, 2022. “As diferentes faces da defesa: Um estudo sobre as posições defensivas da national basketball league (NBA)” (joint work with Silva, J.V.R.*)
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH2022) Conference, June 28-30, 2022. “Tendency of morbimortality from severe acute respiratory syndrome in infants in Brazil before and during the pandemic period of COVID-19” (joint work with Carmona-Machado*, T.M., Pimentel, J.S, and Lopes, S.A.V.A.)
3rd Conference on Statistics and Data Science, October 28-30, 2021. “Big data in public policy: An application to the Brazilian social program «Bolsa Família»” (joint work with Souza, M.)
3rd Conference on Statistics and Data Science, October 28-30, 2021. “Spatio-temporal visualization and forecasting of PM10 in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais” (joint work with Silva, K.L.S.)
3rd Conference on Statistics and Data Science, October 28-30, 2021. “A new way to evaluate and select players to the All-NBA teams” (joint work with Silva, J.V.R.)
3rd Conference on Statistics and Data Science, October 28-30, 2021. “Robust local bootstrap for periodogram statistics with application to air quality” (joint work with Solci, C. and Reisen, V.)
UConn Sports Analytics Symposium, October 10, 2020. “The three eras of the NBA regular seasons: Historical trend and success factors” (joint work with Silva, J.V.)
DSSV2017 – Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation, Lisbon, Portugal, July 12–14, 2017. “A robust DF-REML framework for genetic studies” (joint work with Lourenço, V.M., Pires, A.M. and Piepho, H.-P.)
SINAPE 2016 – 22o SINAPE - Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, July 25–29, 2016. “Comparação dos modelos AMMI e AMMI ponderado na análise da Interação QTL x Ambiente” (joint work with Assis, T.O.G.* and Dias, C.T.S.)
61st RBras 2016, Salvador, Brazil, May 23–25, 2016. “Redução de dimensionalidade e visualização: comparação entre os modelos AMMI Ponderado e AMMI Robusto” (Joint work with C.N.P. Souza)
XVI School of Time Series and Econometrics, Campos do Jordão, SP, Brazil, August 5–7, 2015. “Analysis and forecast of the basic food basket price in Brazilian cities” (Joint work with D.S. Ferreira)
60th Annual Conference of the Brazilian Region of the International Biometrical Society (RBras), Presidente Prudente, SP, Brazil, July 20–24, 2015. “Interação de Genótipos e Ambientes: Comparação entre Modelos AMMI e AMMI Ponderado” (Joint work with C.N.P.Souza)
Conferência Internacional da Amazônia em Estatística Experimental e Análise de Risco, Manaus-AM, Brazil. “Robust heritability estimation in plant candidate gene association studies” (joint work with V.M. Lourenço and A.M. Pires; August 2014)
SINAPE 2014 – 21o SINAPE - Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística, Ponta Negra, Natal-RN, Brazil, July 20–25, 2014. “Modelo AMMI e AMMI ponderado na análise da Interação Genótipo x Ambiente em milho” (joint work with Assis, T.O.G.. and Dias, C.T.S.)
XXVII International Biometric Conference, Florence, Italy. “Robust heritability estimation in plantcandidate gene association studies” (joint work with V.M. Lourenço and A.M. Pires; July 2014)
LinStat & IWMS 2012 – International Conference on Trends and Perspectives in Linear Statistical Infer- ence, and 21st International Workshop of Matrices and Statistics, Be¸dlewo, Poland, Be¸dlewo, Poland, July 16–20, 2012. “Weighted linear joint regression analysis” (joint work with Pereira, D.G. and Mexia, J.T.) - July 2012
2011 ISI Young Statisticians Meeting (YSI 2011), Dublin, Ireland. “Simulation and Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interactions and QTL by Environment Interactions” - August 2011.
EREM 2011, Utrecht, The Netherlands. “In-situ electro-osmotic cleanup of tar contaminated soil. Part I – inorganic tracing of water movement” (joint work with Lima, A.T.* and Loch, J.P.G.) - July 2011.
IHC, Lisbon, Portugal. “Ecofysiological crop models for QTL analysis : a case study for Capsicum” (joint work with E. Heuvelink†, M. Bink, J.A. Dieleman, R.E. Voorrips, A.M. Wubs, L.F.M. Marcelis and F. van Eeuwijk) - August 2010.
LinStat, Tomar, Portugal. “Orthogonal families for one and two tier prime basis factorials” (joint work with V. Jesus and J.T. Mexia) - July 2010.
EUCARPIA 2009, Dundee, Scotland. “AMMI Analysis of QTL by Environment Interactions” (joint work with H.G. Gauch, J.D. Munkvold, E.L. Heffner and M. Sorrells) - September 2009.
XXIVth International Biometric Conference, Dublin, Ireland. “Multiple regression methodology: the removal of heavy metals through electrodialysis” (joint work with A.T. Lima, M. Fonseca, A.B. Ribeiro, J.T. Mexia, A. Varela-Castro and L.M. Ottosen) - July 2008.
XXIVth International Biometric Conference, Dublin, Ireland. “The Recurrent Imputation Method: Singular Spectrum Analysis of Time Series with Missing Values” (joint work with M. de Carvalho and C. Cordeiro) - July 2008.
23th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Utrecht, The Netherlands. “Cd and Cu migration during electrolialysis: biregressional modelling” (joint work with A.T. Lima) - July 2008.
18th annual EC2 Meeting - Recent Advances in Econometric Time series, Faro, Portugal. “Forecasting the Unemployment Rate in the Euro Area” (joint work with M. de Carvalho) - December 2007.
18th annual meeting of the International Environmetrics Society, Mikulov, Czech Republic. “Biregressional modelling heavy metal electroremediation of fly ash from different wastes” (joint work with A.T. Lima, M. Fonseca, A.B. Ribeiro, J.T. Mexia and L.M. Ottosen) - August 2007.
22nd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Barcelona, Spain. “Principal Component Analysis of electoral data” (joint work with J. Branco) - July 2007.
V Conference: Statistics and Quality in the Health, Lisbon, Portugal. “Componentes Principais não lineares: Uma aplicação a dados de Insuficiência Cardíaca” (joint work with J. Branco) - November 2006.
I Workshop of Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, Lisbon, Portugal. “Operações binárias sobre álgebras de Jordan comutativas. Análise de um exemplo” (joint work with J.T. Mexia) - May 2005.